Matcha Red Bean Smoothies Recipe

Matcha Red Bean Smoothies Recipe


Matcha is good on its own, but do you know matcha is able to enhance the taste of red bean? Red bean goes very well with matcha, they both enhance each other's taste and make it even better.

One of the most popular matcha beverages is matcha red bean smoothies, here is the simple recipe to create your own version of smoothies.


Ingredients :

  • 4 tea spoons of red bean
  • Shizuoka Matcha Powder or Daily Matcha - about 1-2 tea spoons depend on personal taste
  • Sugar - 2 tea spoons
  • Milk - 150ml



1. Put red bean into the cup

matcha red bean smoothies recipe


2. Put matcha powder and sugar into a bowl and add warm water, whisk to mix them evenly

matcha red bean smoothies recipe


3. Add Ice into the cup

matcha red bean smoothies recipe


4. Then, add the matcha tea into the cup too

matcha red bean smoothies recipe


5. Whisk milk until frothed 

matcha red bean smoothies recipe


6. Add milk into the cup

matcha red bean smoothies recipe


7. Enjoy